
Showing posts from November, 2018

My Stickman Animation

Ki Hajar Dewantara was a writer and a journalist. He isn't a fighting hero. He made a school and alot of people went to that school he made.

Ki Hajar Dewantara

             Do you know Ki Hajar Dewantara?His full name is Soewardi Soerjaningrat.He was born on May 2,1889.His parents are Pangeran Soerjaningrat  as the dad and Raden Ayu Sandiah  as the mom.His style of writing is popular,communicative and yet imbued with idealism for freedom and Anti-colonisasian sentiment.He made the famous word 'TUT WURI HADAYANI.'He is the father of Indonesian National Euducation,a National Hero,and his birthday is sppointed as the National Eudacation day through Presidential Degree no.305 of 1959,dated November 28 1959.Ki Hajar Dewantara advocates that Eudacation should be possible.He was also concidered as a talented and accomplished writer.He also worked as a journalist.He was also a contributor.He died 26 April 1959.